Customer Testimonials

“Dr. Harms’ knowledge with reproductive procedures helped us get a pregnancy from our Kieger Mustang! He is also an important part of the health for our horses through routine care and vaccinations.” ~ Marcia Amuluxen (left) and Connie Madison (right)
“Dr. Harms has gone above and beyond his services as our Equine Veterinarian by helping us with our breeding program even tho we live over 100 miles away.His knowledge is invaluable and he is always available and willing to answer questions.” ~ Gary & Marcy Moreland
“Dr. Harms has helped us with our breeding program. His knowledge and expertise with Artificial Insemination has been invaluable in making our breeding center a success.” ~Tim & Brenda Johnson, Excalibur Breeding Center
“Dr. Greg Harms has been a treasured veterinarian in my family for over 20 years. Highly respected by my family, and by myself, he has rescued us in many emergency type situations, (which were always handled calmly and professionally) as well as performed routine check-ups, pre-purchase exams, yearly vaccinations, and even taken care of the small animals on the farm.  We are very lucky to have Greg in the Brainerd Lakes Area.” ~ Bethany Bernatsky, Aspen Hill Stables
“While I sit and think of a testimonial I want to write for your web page, my mind wonders back over the 10 plus years you have been there for our horses and us. Besides the yearly shots, blood draws, x-ray, breeding problems, AI’s, ultra sounds, 5 baby wellness checks, teeth work, endless questions, etc, I remember the late Sunday night our miniature horse got into the grain bin. I called you in a panic and you came out. Also, our mare with West Nile, how you worked, trying whatever you could (even a trip to the cities for an experimental IV fluid) to pull her from the grips of that terrible illness. When John and I gave up the battle, you were there, in the middle of the night, with much empathy and support. We have had many large and small pets over the years, you have been there, thru good times and some not so good times. This is no longer a testimonial but a very heart felt THANK YOU for being part of our lives and someone we can call “friend”.” ~ Pat & John Westerberg